The Right to Useful Unemployment
Ivan Illich

'Industrial growth produces the modernization of poverty' Ivan Illich

Like all revolutionary thinkers, Ivan Illich takes a fresh and searingly critical look at the nature of society, questioning the myths of progress and provoking people into rethinking some of the basic assumptions that underly it. In this postscript to Tools for Conviviality, he calls for the right to useful unemployment: a positive, constructive and even optimistic concept dealing with that activity by which people are useful to themselves and others outside the production of commodities for the market. Unfettered by managing professionals, unmeasured and unmeasurable by economists, these activities truly generate satisfaction, creativity, and freedom.

Price: £ 11.95 / $ 18.95

Format: Paperback

ISBN: 9780714526638

Social science

E book edition available on,, Nook, Apple and all other ebook platforms

COVER DESIGN: Alice Marwick